Cute & Fluffy White Single Maned Lionhead Males -- $100

randallridge826 - Algonquin, Illinois - Jan 20, 2025
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Young Adult White Male Single Maned Lionheads.
I have a few adult males.
Okay for pets or breeding.
Not for show. Not pedigreed.
Good for family pet companion.
They have been handled by children and adults
at social and events.
Price includes a ziploc bag of rabbit food for transition to new home.
We are feeding Blain's Farm & Fleet Agri-Master Rabbit Pellets.
We invite you to come visit and take your time
to see which of the bucks personalities you like most.
Not for show. Just for pet homes.
We are located in Algonquin, IL
Near restaurants, gas and major highways.
We can give your directions for your travel plans.
Cash only. Sorry no checks due to prior experience.
We reserve the right to choose the proper home.