Chihuahua Long Coat Juju Is A Sweet Tiny Boy . He's Looking For A New Home -- $800

toniechimama611 - Ware Shoals, South Carolina - Jan 17, 2025
message toniechimama611 about this ad

I call this boy juju. He has a severe overbite but does not interfere with his and doesn't look very bad either unless you look underneath his head. I'm not quite sure how old he is but he doesn't look like he's that old someone must have dropped them off because of his bed overbite and they couldn't sell him for big money. It's a shame people do this kind of stuff. He was covered with fleas and had lost hair and I have taken care of all of that so he is not with any papers at all and we'll just strictly be a pet I am trying to recover the monies that I have spent on him plus a little time. He is very very sweet a little skittish which is to be expected when someone just drops a young puppy off in the middle of the woods. He gets along with all of my dogs so I don't think that should be an issue. Email me and then we can talk and exchange number