2023 Youngsters - Spanish Timbrados, Cantor

timbrados - Ambler, Pennsylvania - Feb 10, 2025
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2023 Spanish Timbrados, Cantor youngsters available for rehoming. These quality show birds are from a Spain lineage & heritage. Still have a few pairs to go and ready to breed. A few families to chose from mostly green and a few variegated in color. Not all the birds are equal in terms of song quality or lineage. If you are a local or within a driving distance, you would be able to appreciate in person the quality of the birds, the singing and pick what you think is the best for you.
Looking to make room for the current breeding season, I can work with you on the pricing provided a few birds are involved. Please do not hesitate to reach out, no .
Sample songs from the 2023 youngsters:
Pickup or will ship at buyer's expense within continental US.
Willing to deliver of charge on my way to Northern Jersey.