Netherland Dwarf Buck -- $100

windyhillrabbitry - Leesburg, Virginia - Jan 29, 2025
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This is Whiskey. He is a Proven Netherland Dwarf Sr Buck, born 3/11/2023.
Dam: Windyhill's Sprite (broken blue otter)
Sire: Skyview's Punch (Martenized Black Himilayan)
Whiskeys Genetics: atat BB cchlc Dd EE Enen
Whiskey is a skittish rabbit and would do best going to a home where he doesn't need to be handled much. I have brought him to many rabbits shows and he has gotten some good comments from the judges. He has a good head, open ears that have good fur coverage and density, well sloped hind quarters and good height. His fault is that he needs a little more depth in his shoulders and width in body.
I also am on Facebook: Taylorstown Windy Hill Rabbitry. If you have any questions about him please feel free to message me!